The Man Who Destroys His House

Lately, a report came about the deficient level of pollution. I guess climate activists will be happy about this. For the past years, farmers in Europe were at loggerheads with their political representatives over the usage of glyphosate, a dangerous herbicide to control weeds. Then, there are the Fukushima nuclear problems in Japan, in France,Continue reading “The Man Who Destroys His House”

A Prayer for Today (1)

Dear Daddy, Thank you for always hearing us. We are grateful for your ever-presence hope, love, and faith. Daddy, we pray for mercy for our world. Mercy, Lord! We need your forgiveness in this trying time. Forgive us all where we are unconscious of our sins. Forgive us for our known sins and wrongdoings. Father,Continue reading “A Prayer for Today (1)”

Not A Time For Netflix

Life is a moment. From the time a child is born to the day he or she grows up and die at old age; there are battles of life. One of such is now. Many generations have been through lots of pandemics, epidemic or whatever, and many of them can testify how they scaled through.Continue reading “Not A Time For Netflix”

The Wrong Fear

A tiny invisible virus brought the world to a standstill in the same way David brought Goliath to his feet. Even the wealthiest people on earth bowed to order of locking themselves indoors. Our perspectives are changing from how we used to take things for granted, to how we are going to learn to appreciateContinue reading “The Wrong Fear”

The People Concerned (3)

Solitude is one fastest killer of the older people. While being alone can sometimes be a benefit to one’s health, it is unsafe for the elderly. Pappy, my neighbour, is a father and a widower in his early 90s and he lives alone. It was his choice. He has children, and then his two housekeepersContinue reading “The People Concerned (3)”

The People Concerned (1)

Any references to this verse are often attributed to companionship between a man and a woman. However, this biblical verse extends beyond this and applies to any discussion about the plague affecting many people. This plague is called LONELINESS. It is a silent killer that attack the invisible people. I called them invisible because theyContinue reading “The People Concerned (1)”

God at the Deathbed

It bothers me when people say they do not believe God exists or believe in Him. So real everyone has the rights to his or her personal beliefs; after all, our world is about exercising one’s fundamental human rights. However, that supposedly ‘rights’ is not applicable where the fundamental principles of spirituality are concerned, mostContinue reading “God at the Deathbed”